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malicious act中文是什么意思

用"malicious act"造句"malicious act"怎么读"malicious act" in a sentence


  • 恶意行为


  • A spiteful or malicious act
  • Ie superman commitment , never any plug - in bundle , never malicious acts
  • This vulnerability is related to the iisam component of the odbc database driver and could be exploited using an excel 2000 query to do malicious acts similar to those described in
    这一安全性缺陷同odbc数据库驱动程序中的iisam组件相关,并且利用该缺陷在excel 2000的查询功能下可执行类似于
  • The initial patch updated jet 3 . 51 and associated odbc database drivers which eliminated the vulnerability that could be exploited using an excel 97 query to do malicious acts , such as deleting files or updating text files on a user s machine
    本修补程序对jet 3 . 51及相关的数据库驱动程序进行了更新,从而消除了能利用这一缺陷在excel 97查询功能中进行诸如删除用户机器上文件或更新文本文件等恶意操作的隐患。
  • Obligatory right and right in rem . by probing into a dual trading , not only can the essence of right in rem and obligatory right be known better , but non - compliance and malicious act of the third party of mala fides would be disciplined so as tc speed up the flows of resources . the thesis is composed of four parts , totaling about 33 , 000 words
  • In consideration of an additional premium , it is hereby agreed that exclusion “ deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the subject - matter insured or any part thereof by the wrongful act of any person or persons ” is deemed to be deleted and further that this insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject - matter insured caused by malicious acts vandalism or sabotage , subject always to the other exclusions contained in this insurance
    “以支付附加的保险费为对价,兹同意除外事项‘由任何人的不法行为对保险标的或其组成部分的故意损害或故意毁坏’视为已被删除,且本保险进一步承保由恶意行为,任意毁坏财产的行为或破坏行为造成的保险标的的灭失或损害,但仍须受本保险所包含的其他除外责任的制约。 ”
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